Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Quilt #2: Cutting & Piecing

    In addition to straight-line piecing, Belle would require that I sew pieces diagonnally, to create triangles. Sewing on the diagonal can be tricky. Tricky because the diagonal on woven fabrics is very stretchy. In fact, in order to make bias tape (stretchy tape used often to finish rounded edges) woven fabric is cut on the diagonal. So, I needed to be very careful in sewing on the diagonal. If I would pull or stretch the fabric as it's being sewn, it would result in a quilt block (and therefore quilt top) that won't lie flat. And, that would not be a good thing!

    Here's a couple of the blocks for Belle. Flowers and stems. I'm still piecing Belle's blocks. Although, I'm pretty close to finished. Then, I'll have to arrange all my flower and stem blocks so that it looks good. I had originally planned on just following the diagram included with the pattern, but ... I didn't get exactly the same number of light pink, dark pink and blue fabrics that they used in the pattern. So, I'll just lay them all out and figure out how it looks best. Bev says she lays hers out on a bed. So far, I've used the floor. I'm thinking a bed would be a better choice. Might help my quilt top stay a little cleaner. = )

1 comment:

Emily said...

The flowers are so cute! Is it for Addison's quilt?