Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Scrappy Baby Girl Quilt

    A friend of mine is having a baby girl in August. I decided to make her a crib quilt. Imagine. = ) As I looked at patterns and considered fabrics, I really wanted to do it as economically as I could. So, I got an idea ...

    I decided to try a snake quilt. You take 2 1/2  inch strips and sew them together end-to-end, ending up with a very long 2 1/2 inch strip. Then, you sew one end to the other. This will make a 4 1/2 inch strip that's half as long as the original strip. You repeat this until your quilt is appropriately sized.

    Well, I pulled out all of my red, pink and purple scraps and cut a big pile of 2 1/2 inch strips of varying lengths. I sewed them all together and ended up with a very long strip--approximately 825 inches long!

    I sewed it in half (cutting at the halfway fold) four times. It ended up a quilt top approximately 32 1/2 inches by 52 inches. It seemed a little too long, so I trimmed it back to 44 inches in length.

    So far, my baby girl quilt hadn't cost me a dime! Well, I thought about going to pick out something for backing. Then a wild and crazy idea went through my head. What if I could make the whole thing for nothing. What if it was completely fashioned from upcycled and on-hand materials.

    So ... I found this piece of fabric that I had and was big enough for the back. It's not an exact match, but I think it works just fine. I have purple quilting thread that will look awesome in a swirly pattern!!

    Only problem is I don't have any batting on hand. Hmmm ... I think I might try recycling an old blanket.

    This is actually turning out pretty cool!

Fresh Poppy Design


Sarah @ This Crazy Blessed Life said...

The colors are so cute!

Sarah @ This Crazy Blessed Life

Canadian Abroad said...

You have given a great explanation of how you made the quilt.

noga quilts said...

What a lovely girl's quilt! I'm also busy making a pink quilt now. Love all these pink/lavender fabrics.