Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Quilting Frame

    I decided to tell Larry that I wanted a quilting frame for Christmas. It just so happened that Hancock's had a frame on sale. It was one that extended to 96 inches. This would be large enough to accommodate most quilts I'd be making. If I ever get up enough nerve to do a king sized quilt, I can simply turn it sideways, and I think it will fit on the frame. Here's the frame I got.

    I've always sewn. I made most of my daughter's clothes in her early years, and most of my window treatments and home decorating items. So, I've always had a large stash of sewing stuff--two sewing machines, a serger, not to mention every scrap of fabric I've ever had. Besides, now I'm sewing for grandbabies! All that to say, everytime I want to work on an project, I have to drag everything upstairs to our dining room table; then put it all away every time we have guests in our home. NOW, I have a new quilting frame--that, I might add, takes up a space approximately 30 x 100 inches. Not really something I can pull out and put away too easily. SO ... we decided to convert our fourth bedroom to a sewing room. It's so nice!! I can stop and start on projects, knowing they'll be exactly where I left them.

    With the sewing room dedicated and the quilt frame assembled, I decided to mount quilt #1, Ashley's Journey. Apparently, it can be a little tricky to get quilt top, batting and backing all on the thing without any bunching, pulling, stretching or the like. I did it in one try, and I think it's pretty good. I didn't re-do it, anyway.  = )

    Then came my first real attempt at quilting by hand. I'd assumed it would be pretty easy. I was wrong. I couldn't seem to get my stitches even. So I decided to google YouTube to see if I could find some video instructions on the easiest way to do it. I found this and it was helpful, but here's what I've decided. 1) Everybody has to come up with their own way of doing it--the way that feels right and most comfortable. And, 2) It's going to take a while for me to get comfortable, quick and good.

    Here's a shot of my quilt frame with Quilt #1/Ashley's Journey on it and in process.

    Arrrrgggg. Another process. Oh, well. I guess I might as well just resign myself to the fact that becoming a good quilter is going to take a while. Ok. Maybe 'resign myself' isn't such a good strategy. So, I'll re-phrase. I've decided to enjoy the process, not to be too hard on myself, and to remember that 'practice makes perfect.' Well, actually--'perfect practice makes perfect!'

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